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Version 1.8.8

New trimming tool, AI, and more

September 23, 2021

Happy new year!

With the start of a new year, we're excited to announce that we have a new update to the ArchForm software. This update includes a new lasso trimming tool, artificially intelligent (AI) tooth labeling, improved tooth axis computation, and more. We hope that you find these improvements to increase your efficiency and make creating aligners a bit easier.

New Features

Lasso Gum Trimming Tool

The new lasso trimming tool allows you to trim models in ways that was not previously possible. Too much palate material? You can now simply draw a circle to cut it out.

AI Tooth Labeling

Our engineers have trained a neural network to be able to identify tooth shapes. That means our software will determine if a patient's pre-molar is missing and properly mark it as missing. This update also includes the ability to switch between ISO, Universal, and Palmer tooth numbering systems.

Improved Tooth Axis Computation

We have made improvements to how the software calculates the axis of a tooth to more accurately overlay the movement widget. You can select between the new Advanced version and Advanced - Vertical Axis Locked that will start with the vertical axis straight up regardless of tooth angle.

New axis estimation
Old axis estimation

Other miscellaneous changes

  • Improved segmentation for scans with large tunnels
  • Improved segmentation removing the need for adjustable interproximal cutting planes
  • Surface repairing on hollow model exports
  • Embossed bottom labels now work for Mac
  • Dropped support for old gum-morphing method
  • Fixed a bug that resulted in disappearing attachments in some cases

Please note: The tooth reconstruction part is now slower due to more processes happening during this stage that result in more accurate recreation and less user interaction. We are working on making it faster in the future by refining the processes.

Thank you for your continued support!

ArchForm Team